Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sometimes, I am just as clueless as Mommy....

Well, now I've gone and done it. 
Of all the things for me to forget, this was one I could have sworn I'd never do! Well, not so much FORGET, as overshot the date, but the fact remains that I missed my boyfriends Barkday. What a horrible girlfriend I am. 
Did you even know I have a boyfriend? We tend to keep it low key-- we aren't super sappy like some Facebook couples. So it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't know I have a boyfriend. I should tell you all about him then, shouldn't I? 
If you haven't met him, you should! He's got a great sense of humor, good looks, and he can be quite the romantic! 
You can see his page here: 
Charm's BOL Of The Day 

Here is a picture of my happy Heeler man: 
Isn't he just the most handsome??? And those eyes??? *Swoon!* 
He's tall, dark, and handsome-- just my type! 
For our first date, we went to a nice park and had fun running, swimming, and barking with each other. Ahhh, the good old days, when Facebook was not quite so hard to deal with! 

You should definitely meet him-- he makes me happy :) He would make you happy too! <3

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Social Media!

Hey y'all! So most of you will have seen now that I have a Google+ account in addition to my Dogster profile, Facebook profile, and the forums Mommy belongs to. Don't worry, I have no plans to leave Facebook-- I just like being able to stay in touch all over and keep up with everypawdy! If you would like to follow along on all the media that we are on here are links!
Facebook: Facebook

Dogster: Dogster!
Beast Boards Forum: Beast Boards
Gopitbull Forum: Gopitbull
Google+: Google+

Again-- I am NOT leaving Facebook!! I just like being able to have multiple places for people to keep in touch.
Anywho... in other news.
My new sister came home on June 3rd at midnight, BOL! She has been doing really well, and she is getting used to being here with us. She is a sweetheart-- unless you mess with her when she wants to be alone ;)
She chases Mommy around, but if I try to play with her, she is NOT having any of it! But I don't mind! I love her anyways!