Friday, March 9, 2012

Rest In Peace Caesar

On June 9th, 2011 Mommy was browsing Craigslist. She ran across an ad that was for a German Shepherd Free to Good Home. She felt compelled to email the owner and see why he was giving his dog up, and see what she could do to help. Needless to say, Caesar desperately needed a home, or he was going to the shelter. Mommy and Daddy took me with them a couple of hours later to get him. The plan was to foster him before they met him, but they fell in love.
This was the picture they saw of him before they adopted him:

I was happy to accept him, and from that first night, we were inseparable.

Oh Caesar.... 8 months to the day. That's how long you were with us. I just hope it was long enough for you to know just how MUCH we all love you. And love you, we did. All your mannerisms, your quirks, we're going to miss them all. Especially your famous break-your-neck head tilt. Oh gosh, how we're going to miss that. 
But above all, remember how much your boy loved you. You had so many adventures together. He is going to miss you, and when he gets sad, I promise to kiss away his tears, and snuggle him for you. It won't be the same, but hopefully it will help. 

One day, I know I will have a new brother or sister.... they won't be my big ol' clumsy Sheppy Bear brother, but I know you will guide us to the right one. Stay close to Daddy, he wasn't ready to let go.
None of us were.

I love you Caesar. Run free at the Bridge, buddy.


  1. I am SO Sorry for your loss.
    All of us here feel your pain.
    ~♥♥ Caesar ♥♥~.
    Your Family will ALWAYS love you!
    Run free and play, Until you meet again Forever,
    At The Rainbow Bridge.♥

  2. I am so sorry for your loss Keira. Sending healing thoughts and prayers from my family, to yours. My bridge brother, Sky will take care of Caesar, I am sure of it. I am so sorry. Rest in Peace Caesar.
